financial aid faqs
Families interested in joining Everest Academy are welcome to apply for Financial Aid consideration by submitting an assessment application directly to Apple Financial Services. Please submit your application in conjunction to your application to Everest Academy.
- The online fee is $120.00 for the first school you list and $15.00 for each additional one. This fee includes HST and is non-refundable. The cost for an additional application, in the case of separated/divorced families is $40.00. An application can be processed only for schools that are members of FACS.
- After submitting an application should you require a copy be provided to another school, please send us an email granting us permission to send the original application to another school. You will be required to call in with a credit card number to which the additional $25.00 may be charged.
If you would like to download and print a copy of a blank application to gather information prior to starting the online application, you will need to first create a family account. Once your account has been set up, confirmed, and the privacy policy agreed to, a PDF copy will be available.
- If your T4 has not yet been received, use the information on your last paycheque to calculate your earnings for the whole year. This can also be used for amounts being deducted for pension plans, union dues, etc.* Enclose both a copy of this pay statement, and the prior year’s T4.
- For medical expenses, donations, etc. use your best estimates.
- If you are self-employed and have not yet prepared your Statement of Business Activities, enclose a copy of the last year’s tax statement that was filed, and using this as a base, estimate your revenues and expenses for the current and projected year.
*If you are in doubt about whether you have filled out the form correctly, you may enclose copies of statements (Bank, Investment, RRSP or Credit Card), for their review, however this is not necessary.
If you have not completed your tax return for the past year, and you are a Canadian Resident, you can leave Section 12 blank for both the past year and your projected income for current year and they will be able to estimate your taxes.
- Regardless with whom the student lives, if both parents are involved with the student, they both need to fill out a complete form, whether they are supporting his/her fees or not.
- When completing the application, in section 6b) on the online application, both family members should note the other parent’s email address that was/will be used to create their profile. This will result in a lower application fee for the second application.
- Do not combine information for two separate households on one form.
- Information provided will not be shared with the other parent.
- If there is no contact with the student’s other parent, provide whatever information you have available.
- Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to make any changes to the application. If you wish to revise your application, or if circumstances have changed, please notify us by email of the changes or new estimates.
- Feel free to enclose additional details that you think might be relevant to your application.