everest academy
Our programs
From foundational movement in Grades 4-6 to high-performance training in Grades 10-12/PG, our Strength & Conditioning SAP program supports student athletes with evidence-informed practices, skill development, and structured progression—guiding them to train smarter, move better, and compete with purpose.

Grade 4-6 S&C SAP is about creating quality movement in an enriching and enjoyable training environment. We expose student athletes to principles of training and a variety of training environments to lay a foundation for growth, and to appreciate the value of process. We begin with evidence-informed practices at this stage, and we engage students with elements of movement literacy, play, and integrative systems training.
We shift the competitive spirit from Me vs. Opponent to Me vs. Me. The goal is self discovery: How can I do this more effectively? What can I do to help myself get better?

Grade 7-8 S&C SAP is about formulating trust and further understanding. Our student athletes are navigating plenty of change at this stage: physical, social, and emotional in nature. At this level we begin to establish Training Age and hone in on the foundations of movement.
We build upon previous framework in movement literacy, play, and integrative systems training, and begin to incorporate the principles of positional advantage and developmentally appropriate loading. These are the pillars upon which our upper level programming is built.

Grade 9 S&C SAP dives into training principles, positional advantage, and sport-relevant movement & loading right out of the gates. At this level, student athletes are in the training centre 5 days per week, each semester. We establish the value of intention in the space and build upon the groundwork laid in previous years. In this program, student athletes participate in a full training model that is periodized and intentionally aligned with seasonal competition schedules.
Programming is structured to support ‘in-season’ demands from September through February, transitions into a ‘post-season’ recovery program, and progresses to ‘off-season’ training into June.

Grade 10-12/PG S&C SAP programming is intensive and developed specifically for student athletes who are committed to continual development throughout the school year. This programming replaces the need to train outside of school hours. Student athletes practice accountability and self-agency and are supported by our coaching staff as they align their individual competition schedules with our evidence-informed, periodized, sport-relevant programming.
Principles of seasonal loading, injury mitigation, energy systems development, integrative performance, and recovery are learned through direct application, in real time. At Everest, our student athletes are fully supported as they set their sights and start climbing.